I have been a fiber artist for more than 35 years, first as a weaver and spinner, then as a soft sculpture dragon lady and now as a doll maker and pattern designer. One thing has just logically…or illogically… led to another without a great deal of thought or planning by me
Anyone who has ever been to my house can tell you that I collect rusty junk; bed frames, gates, old rakes, springs, door knobs. Anything that I find quirky or interesting goes in the garden as art objects. While living in Pennsylvania, I found more wonderful old pieces to add to my outdoor collection. I had pieces hanging on our fence, on the house and tucked away in every corner of our tiny yard. It honestly never occurred to me to add these elements to my doll art but in the past few years more and more artists have been specializing in “found object” art and I realized I had quite a stash of art supplies! Recently I’ve been going to more flea markets, antique shows and old barns looking for pieces that talk to me. It has become an exciting new way of looking at the world….what can you become? What do you remind me of? I’ve been making heads, hands or special accessories out of clay or paper mache. My studio has taken on the look and smell of a machine shed with all kinds of tools, glues and epoxies. My hands have taken quite a beating from all these sharp corners and tools but I am loving the adventure. I don’t quite know where this path is taking me but change is good for us all. I hope you enjoy the view.
Julie McCullough
8130 N. Walnut Creek Dr.
Urbandale, IA 50322
[email protected]